Simple Math Tricks You Weren’t Taught at School

Purpose, Scope or Aim of the OER

This OER supports teachers in teaching their students to use mathematics in a much easier and entertaining way. A fun way to motivate, as mathematics can sometimes be a bit heavy and difficult for students to understand.

Short Description of the methods or approaches used in this OER

This OER is a video that offers a few little tricks to students when learning mathematics. It is a video that shows that mathematics is not only about adding and multiplying, but also about problem solving. This video will teach us more fun maths than we are used to studying.

Step-by-step instructions for teachers to use OER

Make sure you have a good internet connection and a computer/laptop to play the video successfully.
1. Before playing this OER, hand out a blank sheet of paper to all students, or they can use their own notebooks.
2. On the board write 10 types of mathematical operations and give the students 20 minutes to solve them in the traditional way.
3. Once everyone has solved the operations, correct the results of these operations together.
4. When you have corrected the results together, then play the video.
5. Once the video has finished playing, ask the students to apply these tricks to the same operations completed earlier.
6. Check if these little tricks match the previous results.

Once they have applied the tricks to the mathematical operations, ask to the class the following questions.
1. What do you think of this way of learning mathematics?
2. Do you think it is a fun and entertaining way to learn mathematics?
3. Would you like to apply it in your future mathematical operations?
4. Do you prefer the traditional way or applying these tricks?
5. Did you know any of these tricks before?
